
Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Skin

Activated charcoal is a charcoal made from bone char, coconut shell, peat and coal. It is used as an adsorbent (a substance that soaks up other materials) in many products,...

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Benefits of Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

Ah, the benefits of lemon eucalyptus oil. There's plenty of them! It is a wonderful elixir that can be used in many ways. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil originated from a...

On by Anant Khare 0 Comments

What are Enzyme-Based Cleaners? How Do They Work?

While some people use soap and water to clean their home, others choose to use specialized cleaning products such as an enzyme cleaner. But what is enzyme cleaner exactly? And...

On by Anant Khare 0 Comments

Are Sulphates Bad For You?

What are sulphates? Have you ever noticed your shampoo tingles a lot more than the conditioner? This is because the shampoo has sulphates in it. Sulphates are also present in...

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