While a long walk on the beach leaves behind footprints that the sea washes away, the carbon footprint of our daily activities are here to stay. 

Carbon footprint is a measure that records your daily activities in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide emission it causes. Most energy produced in the world is done by burning fossil fuels such as petroleum and gas.  

You need petrol to drive your car and gas to light your stove, so your carbon footprint is the total amount of C02 and methane gas you release into the environment by consuming these non-renewable sources of energy. Currently our global average is 4 tonnes, while global experts emphasize that the target limit should be 2 tonnes per person. 

For example: Every time you order food home, the fuel the rider uses to pick it up and deliver to you adds to your carbon footprint. This example can be drawn for all imported vegetables and fruits we consume as well.   

We’re here to discuss the source and impact of your carbon footprints, how it can be tracked and reduced.  

carbon foot print

Sources of C02 Emission & Tracking Your footprint: 

Carbon dioxide emissions increase through human activities, right from burning on fossil fuels, combustion of fuel in the factories to transportations to combustion of oil, wood, coal and tobacco. 

Every online order, time spent in transportation, sourcing international packages, ordering take out, adds to your carbon footprint. You can calculate your carbon footprint here : 

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Let’s look at practical ways to reduce your carbon footprint today!  


Eating low on the food chain: consumption of vegetables, fruits, beans and more. The Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nation calculated that 14.5% global carbon footprints are rooted in the production of meat and livestock farming. Going meatless once a week will reduce your footprint by 50% (Meatless Mondays). Everyday that you omit meat and dairy, you reduce your carbon footprint by 8 pounds -- 2920 pounds a year! 
  • Choose organic and local food: Transporting/importing food from far away whether by car, bus, truck, ship, or planes causes high fuel consumption 
  • Reduce the frequency of ordering take out 
  •  Compost your food waste 


  • Switch the lights off when you leave the room and unplug your devices instead of leaving them on standby 
  • When shopping for appliances, look for energy-efficient options. Look for energy star-certified products. This will lower your bills and carbon emissions 
  • Take short showers to reduce water heater consumption 
  • Use LED lightbulbs to save 90% energy cost. 


  • For each litre of fuel used by a car, 2.5 kg of C02 is produced. You can try to avoid short journeys and cycle, walk, car-pool, or use public transport to get around.  
  • Co-ordinate your errands by doing them all in one day and avoid unnecessary trips throughout the week. The less you drive, or order in, the lesser your carbon footprint.  


  • Be a conscientious consumer, buy from companies that support a low-carbon and sustainable future. This can reduce the environmental impact your shopping habits bring to the table. 
  • Use natural cleaning products: Using eco-friendly alternatives is a good way of making your home & family safe. Go green while you clean.  

If you’re looking to make a green start, there is no better place to start other than your home. The Better Home for example, brings you a range of products that are kind on us, and kinder to the world around us. While you fight the battle of carbon footprints, make sustainable choices with The Better Home. 

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