Everyday objects with the most bacteria

Everyday objects with the most bacteria

You'd be surprised at the number of everyday objects that have more bacteria than you think. Even some of the things we touch every day on a regular basis are breeding grounds for germs.   

But why on Earth would we be writing about everyday objects that have more bacteria than you think? You know what, we're not going to answer that question. Instead, we are going to tell you about which everyday objects are the dirtiest in your home and how to clean them.  

Kitchen sponges: 

Most people know that using the same kitchen sponge to clean your dishes and counters is a bad idea. Kitchen sponges are breeding grounds for germs, and if you don't wash it regularly, there's a big risk of getting food poisoning or other diseases. But what many people don't know is just how dirty kitchen sponges can be. They're covered with tiny cracks and crevices where bacteria like to hide.    

Up-to-date research shows that microwaving wet sponges won't kill the bacteria inside them. In fact, this practice may actually make things worse by cooking the bacteria deeper into the sponge. This means that microwaving your sponges is only going to dry them out without removing most of the bacteria inside them. Bottom line: Don't put your dirty kitchen sponge back on the counter until you've cleaned it thoroughly with soap and water!  

Office coffee mugs: 

You probably don't think much about what happens to your office coffee mug after you've used it -- but the truth is, it could be dirtier than you think. A new study found that the average office coffee mug harbors 121 different types of bacteria.  

The research team swabbed the rims and handles of 250 mugs and found that more than 30% had a high level of coliform bacteria, which indicates fecal contamination.  

Washing your mug every day with soap is essential. If you are worried about toxic residue, try The Better Home's Dishwash Liquid that cleans your dishes and breaks down microbes with plant-based surfactants.  

The Better Home Dishwashing Liquid

Your phone: 

Have you ever wondered how clean your mobile phone is? Turns out it can be dirtier than a toilet seat.  

Tests carried out by researchers found that, on average, phones are 10 times dirtier than toilet seats. We may sanitize our hands but how often do we disinfect our phones?   

The button panel and back of the handset can become breeding grounds for harmful germs and bacteria.  

Bathroom towels:

You might think you're handling your bathroom towels pretty cleanly, but you probably aren't.  

A study found that, on average, bathroom towels were home to about 100,000 bacteria per square inch. That's a total of about 3 million bacteria per towel. Among the bacteria identified were Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause skin infections and food poisoning.  

The main problem is that towels often remain damp and don't get washed as often as they should.  


It's not uncommon for people to say money is dirty, but it's not just because of what it can buy. Money can be filthy and germy, too.  

When you pay your bills, you probably think of them as clean, right? After all, they're just pieces of paper. But what if there's more to those pieces of paper than meets the eye?  

Torn money is potentially dirtier than you think. studies have showed that bills that are ripped, faded or wrinkled can spread up to 10 times more germs than bills in mint condition. That's because worn money is handled more often and it's easier for bacteria to spread from place to place. 

Might want to cleanse my soul after this information
Don't worry, Happy Cleaning!
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